An interview with Sangsom Massacre (Thailand) 訪問 Sangsom Massacre (泰國)

[訪問由Susanna Ku翻譯]

We spoke to The Sangsom Massacre, a highly successful band in Bangkok who will be in Hong Kong next week.  They play original rock with well-crafted music, heaps of stage presence, tons of fun and yes, they even LOOK like a boy band 🙂  Just kidding guys.    Hope you all enjoy finding out more about this Thai expat band.
PS we had planned for them to play at The Underground however those plans fell through so we did what we could & arranged for them to play a couple of shows at The Wanch.  They also will be on The Warren radio show on 19th September and RTHK Radio 3 on 20th September, check out this band, they will be exploding all over Asia starting with their HK shows.

我地訪問左一隊來自曼谷,十分成功既樂隊Sangsom Massacre。佢地下個星期會黎香港表演喇!佢地玩開原始搖滾,加上精心設計既音樂,累積左好多舞台經驗,當然好好玩啦!佢地甚至睇落似男仔樂隊 🙂 哈哈講笑咋! 希望你地會鐘意了解多D呢隊泰國出色既樂隊啦!

附:我地本來安排左佢地黎The Underground表演,但計劃告吹。我地已經盡能力安排佢地去The Wanch表演幾場。佢地亦會係9月20號上香港電台第三台做訪問,記得密切留意! Sangsom Massacre既探索亞洲之旅即將會由香港站開始!

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So your band is based in Bangkok which is such a vibrant and interesting city. Has
the dynamic city influenced your music or performance at all?

Definitely the city has inspired our music. It’s dirty yet charming. The songs are stories of this vibrant place. Lyrics about living life at 11, plastic people, street sirens, abuse of the body… all our vices.


Your band name is really unconventional and even though this is a very clichéd question; how did the band name come about?

SangSom is a cheap Thai rum famous among Taxi drivers, people drinking on street corners, backpackers hanging in the Khao San Road backpacker area… and filling buckets at the Full Moon parties. Niall thought the name would be pretty rock n roll… people get massacred on it all the time.

What is your ultimate favourite thing to see from the crowd at one of your shows?

People getting into music. It’s great if people dance, but just getting into the vibe. As musicians you can feel it, you know when you’re winning a crowd. That’s the part we like the best.

What can Hong Kong audiences expect from your shows and what do you hope that they take from your music?

A bloody good live show which has an almost dream like quality along with some Good memories and some sore ears the next morning probably.
一個好似夢一樣既感覺既精彩現場演出, 好好既回憶,同埋聽到可能第二朝耳仔會痛既演出。

Who would you say are your biggest musical influences and inspirations?

John: I have always played in heavier bands, I think Tool… but I keep coming out with Sting type bass riffs.
John: 我過去經常都玩比而家重d既金屬樂隊,我覺得樂隊Tool對我地影響好大, 但我又經常諗起Sting既低音即興重復段。

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 What are your favourite songs to sing in the shower?

: Mustang Sally    Ules: I don’t sing…   Ash: I don’t shower hahaha   Niall: David Bowie songs from the move Labyrinth 
John: Mustang Sally 野馬莎莉 Ules: 我唔唱歌架… Ash: 我唔沖涼架哈哈哈 Niall: 電影Labyrinth迷宮
入面David Bowie唱既歌

If you could pick one lyric from any song that you wish you had wrote, what would it be and why?

I was looking for a job and then I found a job and heaven knows I am miserable now – Morrissey

Tell us the ideas and concepts behind your EP The Verses of Vice.
同我地講下你地張EP The Verses of Vice背後既諗法同概念呀。

The verses of our vices; the songs of our lives. No one lives a completely sin free existence, we try, but part of being human is letting loose.

If you could share the stage with any other band, which would it be and why?

I would say Radiohead but John don’t like em so I will have to settle for Pink Floyd or Led Zeppelin.
我會話Radiohead電臺司令但John唔鐘意佢地所以我會勉強接受Pink Floyd或者Led Zeppelin齊柏林飛船.

Which song of yours is your favourite to perform live?

Lizard People… it’s probably the heaviest.
Lizard People, 呢首應該係最heavy架啦。

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We saw that you guys recently recorded a music video! Can you tell us about how
that experience was and some of the things that were included in the video?
我地見到你地近日錄左個音樂影片喎! 可唔可以講下呢次經驗如何同埋一D影片入面既野呀?

The video was a great experience, we had a photoshoot with this guy Jaturong Hirankarn, who is semi famous photographer from the 80s (he was even on Americans Top Model when they filmed) and he had this old abandoned location. We decided to kill two birds with one stone and tie the concept of Ignorance is Strength with this location. The female protagonist is like a ghost following the band when we do our selfish band photos. It sort of came about quite quickly, no storyboard, just some directions from the band and Jesse Maddox put it all together amazingly.

呢次拍音樂影片係一次好正既經驗,我地影既相係由80年代都幾有名氣既攝影師Jaturong Hirankarn 操刀(佢仲係全美超級模特兒新秀大賽拍攝時出現過)同埋佢有呢個又舊又被廢棄既地點。我地想一石二鳥,將個拍攝地方同無知是力量綁埋一齊。 當我地只係顧住影我地既樂隊相個女主角好似鬼咁跟住個樂隊。某程度上都整得幾快,無記事板,只係Jesse Maddox令人好驚奇咁將樂隊既一D方向擺埋一齊。

What was the best moment or funniest moment you had when recording the EP The Verses of Vice?

你地錄EP The Verses of Vice時最美好既時光或者最好笑既時候係咩呢?

Finishing it! It was quite a long and costly project to fit in with day jobs and that. Sure most indie bands feel that. In all seriousness, the best was doing the acoustic track wolves, having a grand piano and nice vocal harmonies. It was a beautiful moment hearing that song finished.

You stated that you’d be very excited to tour Asia. What would be your dream country to perform a show in?

Japan would be amazing! But I think mainland China might be our next goal.

Can you recommend any other expat bands or local Thai ones that you enjoy?

Degaruda from Bangkok is one of the best live acts we have seen. I think the whole band will agree on that. They are Thai guys who lived and worked in the USA. Count the Thief and Triggs & the Longest day are also decent bands making a name for themselves.
來自曼谷既Degaruda係我地見過其中一隊現場表演最好既。我諗成隊樂隊都會同意呢點。佢地係一班係美國住同做野既泰國人。Count the ThiefTriggs & the Longest day亦都係因爲表現好而成名。

Sangsom Massacre is considered one of the most well-known expat bands in Thailand so clearly you’ve gotten a bit of a reputation. If you had choose something, what would you say is your signature move that you’d people to remember you by?

Sangsom Massacre被認爲係泰國其中一隊最出名既外國樂隊所以好明顯你地有D聲譽。如果你需要揀一樣野,你會話你地比人記得既招牌動作係咩呢?

The energy…. the intensity. You might just feel like you have climbed a big fucking mountain after being to one of our shows.

Do you have any advice for small-time bands trying to break into their local music scene?

It’s all about support. If you want to perform, support other bands, go to their shows, form a network in real life and online. Return favours. Too many bands rely on others and never give back, this will never help the bands or the scene.

The Sangsom Massacre will be performing at The Wanch on Friday 18th September 2015 at 12:30am and on Saturday 19th September 2015 at 8pm.

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