What a sensational night this was. Thanks soooo much to Outlet Drift (漂流出口) for coming all the way from Taiwan to play at our event with Volcom.
Volcom really do understand what The Underground is trying to do (showcase great original music from Hong Kong and beyond) and their support made this whole event possible. Big high fives to Zpecial & JUNK! for performing so well. The reunion by F.B.I. was worth waiting for and all the Hong Kong bands looked so great in their Volcom clothing. We must thank Singha beer for quenching our thirst whilst enjoying awesome live music. The staff & management of Orange Peel get big love from us all for continuing to support our events. Huge thanks as always to The Underground team who looked after the door, took photos, filmed the bands, supplied background music and generally made sure all was running smoothly on the night. See you at another event soon!
love Chris B xx
真係太深刻同精彩既一晚。非常感謝您Outlet Drift (漂流出口)由台灣到港幫我地同Volcom 一齊合作舉辦既音樂會。好多得Volcom明白 The Underground 對於音樂嘅概念(推廣本地跟外地嘅原創音樂)先可以搞得成今次嘅活動。Zpecial 同 JUNK! 嘅演出實在令到大家都要拍手掌. 當然唔小得F.B.I.精彩嘅表現,等左三年先再度合作,不過絕對值得等!加上身穿一身 Volcom嘅打扮,啱哂feel. 一定要多謝Singha贊助,等我地睇住show都唔會口渴。好多謝Orange Peel 嘅staff同management 一路以黎嘅支持! 又再多謝The Underground嘅所有員工同幫忙嘅朋友,負責入口管理,攝影,提供背景音樂,同所有令到當晚順利完成嘅朋友。希望下個活動再見!
Love Chris B xx
1. 想
2. Rock Medley
3. 吞驚世的浪
4. 切膚之痛
5. 塵埃
The winners of the 2014 Asian Beat competition open up the night with a 20-minute set of alt-rock goodness. Opening with a nice powerful start in the song 想 Zpecial gets the crowd in the mood for a rock-filled night, featuring sparse but rich lead guitar tones, driving beats, and a focused attitude on stage. Encountering some technical difficulties after breaking a string, the lead singer got the atmosphere back up by busting out a rock melody featuring well known songs such as Avril Lavigne’s ‘When You’re Gone’, Oasis’ ‘Don’t Look Back In Anger’, ‘Time Is Running Out’ by Muse and finishing off with the crowd singing along to Bon Jovi’s ‘It’s My Life’. The band got a few heads nodding along to the songs 吞驚世的浪 and 切膚之痛, with tight timing and positive energy the band finished off strong with 塵埃, leaving the crowd in an upbeat mood and ready for the next band.
– Sherman Leung
1. Man Love!
2. Sinorita
3. The Great Wall (長城)
4. Jasmine Revolution
5. Gonna Make Love
6. The Masquerade
7. Loneliness
8. FU
9. Respect tou PK (到仆街)
10. FBI
中秋佳節, 人月兩團圓, 每天每月都會和朋友聚頭的人大既不同有太大感受。但對於三年沒有一同踏上台板的F.B.I., 今年中秋應該別有一番意義。
加入The Underground的年資尚淺的我, 並未看過F.B.I.的演出, 但卻常看他們的鬼佬主音阿Cain的表演。今天阿Cain和吉他手Archvictor, Bass手Jerald和鼓手Nice在台上的交流卻是前所未見。阿Cain隨著拉丁曲風的第二首歌<西班牙跳舞女郎>跳起肚皮舞, 搔首弄姿的Cain完全顛覆了他平時Hard Rocker形象。
之後鬼佬Cain用唔咸唔淡的廣東話Cover了Beyond的<長城>, 不可否認他們的認真, 但娛樂性也十足。輕鬆過後, 之後Heavy Metal的<Jasmine Revolution>和<The Masquerade>帶起了演出其中一個高潮, 興起時Bass手Jerald和吉他手Archvictor更互彈對方的樂器。作為演出老手, 他們適時提供觀眾一個喘息的機會, 慢板的<Loneliness>由Cain和Archvictor合唱, 好像在細訴他們在分開日子時的孤寂。情深的時間只是維持了一首歌的時間, 其後Archvitor放低了結他, 執起咪高風變身Rapper Cover了廿四味的<Respect到仆街>。最後的一首歌<F.B.I.>就是他們的自我介紹。Archvictor笑說自己已經老了, 忘記了歌詞但即興Rapping也不俗。最後在Archvictor帶領下全場高呼F.B.I.數次為可能是唯一一次的F.B.I.重組演出畫上句號。三年沒有玩過的歌, 一時重拾起來, 少許甩漏難免。但能看著他們將多年來的對F.B.I.音樂的熱情一次過爆發出來才是當晚最過引的事
– Dicky Kwong
After a 3 year hiatus, Hong Kong legends F.B.I reform for a night of crazy shouting, intense screaming, bizarre erotic dance moves and funky rap sections.
Starting off with the energetic ‘Man Love!’ the pop-punk/rap melody, immediately getting the crowd involved with chants, manic screams from the bassist and powerful vocals from the lead singer. A few minutes of banter in between the songs lead into the comedic ridden ‘Sinorita’, with the crowd bopping around and intense build-ups leading into frying solos from the guitar. A few more lines of funny talk leads them into a cover of Beyond’s “The Great Wall” (長城), very surprising and well pronounced Cantonese by the band’s English speaking singer, with power emanating from his voice and letting the crowd join with addicting gang vocals. The next protest-y song ‘Jasmine Revolution’ had the band pogo jumping everywhere, and the lead singer featuring strong Black Stone Cherry-type vocals, with a crash-loving drummer and a beefy guitar tone, the band’s tone turned a bit more intense in lead up to the next song, ‘Gonna Make Love’, which featured sexy dance moves and outright erotic vocals.
‘The Masquerade’ came next, with heavy, gothic-inspired lyrics, angry choruses, maiden style vocals and a breakdown driver verse. A few brutal screams let out by the singer, and got the crowd hard rocking and headbanging. The next song ‘Loneliness’ got the atmosphere down-tempo, as the ballad style song serenaded the crowd, the bassist’s guitar strap fell off but still kept playing a dedicated set. Speeding up the tone again with ‘FU’, the band delivers more intense screams, crazy shenanigans and hearty gang vocals with rage-style breakdowns in their penultimate song ‘Respect the PK’ and their introductory-style song ‘F.B.I’.
F.B.I. managed to squeeze a lot of improv into their set, and spared no effort in making the crowd laugh, dance and move all the while having a good time on stage.
– Sherman Leung
Outlet Drift (漂流出口) (Taiwan 台灣)
1. 席紵 Sico
2. 塑膠袋裡的牙齒
3. 無比大
4. 粉碎性道別 Fragmented Farewell
5. 神的大便 Shit of God
6. 還是躺著 Still Lying +不會自己買 Can’t You Buy Yourself
這是台東原住民樂隊漂流出口Outlet Drift第一次來港演出,原住民樂隊在香港應較少人接觸,他們的演出卻把當晚場子的氣氛推至高峰。穿著自己民族的服裝,他們一上台就已經十分搶眼,他們的女主唱兼bassist以響亮的聲線清唱了一小段intro, 然後一下子full band加入,製造了超大也超正的反差,感覺像由流水突然變成瀑布,全場的氣氛也跟著一下子飆升。男主唱和女主唱的screaming十分竭斯底里,鼓beat也夠重,整個表演相當有力好看!
整體來說,看漂流出口的演出你會想到兩個字: 氣勢,他們的氣場的確十分強勁,表演也十分成熟,他們把原住民音樂混合hard rock做得淋灕盡致,只要聽到他們的聲音,你無法不轉過頭欣賞他們的音樂,因此整個場子的氣氛基本上完全被他們掌控,有夠壓場,即使語言不同(他們所有歌曲都是原住民語),當晚觀眾們最投入的應也莫過於漂流出口的精彩演出,期待他們再次來港,在更大的場子應會更好看更過癮!
– Sidick Lam
Outlet Drift are one of those bands that catch your attention as soon as they go onstage. The indigenous three-piece band hail from Taitung and they remained true to their roots by dressing in indigenous outfits. I’d heard good things about the group’s live performances, as they’d opened for A Place to Bury Strangers previously in Taiwan, so I already knew they (a) had played with one of my favorite bands, and (b) would be very, very noisy.
The band did not let me down that night; they were loud, very loud, in the best way possible – the sort of energy they brought with them was rare at gigs in Lan Kwai Fong. Their set began with a display of their vocal harmonies, but their voices (especially that of bassist/vocalist Putad Pihay) really shone from their second song onwards. It’s impossible to categorize them as any one genre, and they probably wouldn’t like to be labeled either. The best I can do to describe them is that they make psychedelic, experimental noise rock that often ventures into long post-rock-esque instrumental sections.
From his insanely fast guitar playing to jumping into the crowd to spraying beer on his instrument, guitarist/vocalist Wusang Pihay plays with an incredible intensity. Drummer Kurt Ken is clearly equally talented as his other two band members, as he drums with such speed and rhythm that makes him mesmerizing to watch. As with many shows, closer “不會自己買 Can’t You Buy Yourself” was the highlight, with the instrumental solo drawn out extra long and the band playing with an extra fervour. We need more bands like Outlet Drift, and more gigs like this; I only wish more people had been able to experience – and it was one hell of an experience – it in person.
– Vivian Yeung
1. My Name is Glen
2. My House
4. Julie
5. I Remember
6. Steal All My Thoughts
7. The Ballad of Tommy Wiseau
9. Matzo Ball Soup
11. Somebody Teach Me How to Dance
12. Another Friday Night
14. Sussudio
15. What’s Up
JUNK! Just gets more crazy each time he plays at The Underground. This time besides his Pac-Man jumpsuited dancer, there was also a guitarist to accompany the first few tracks from JUNK! There’s nothing I could say here that hasn’t been said before by any of the other Underground reviewers. All I can say is, if you haven’t seen JUNK! yet, do so, as this fun full-on singing, rapping, visuals and audience engagement will have you feeling good inside and out.
– Rosie Chan
Photos by Angus Leung.
由Angus Leung攝影。