1. Q: How did you meet and how long have you been playing together?
A: Wilfred and Terence met at a guitar store about 4 years ago. Terence was playing Guns n Roses while “TRYING OUT” a guitar with “FULL INTENTIONS” to buy it when Wilfred came by and watched him play.
Turns out we both loved the same music and we’d both just moved to Hong Kong! Nam joined our lineup in early 2014 when we were preparing for the Underground 10 year anniversary FanZone festival show. We’d met him in the music circuit and Wilfred enjoyed looking at a clone of himself. As for Nate, he joined us in late 2014 when we were toured in Chengdu. Our previous drummer had just moved to New York on a drumming scholarship and that’s where Nate came in.
2. Q: If you could collaborate with one local band who would it be? / why?
A: That’s a difficult question. The local talent has been growing exponentially – there are so many choose from. If we had to choose only one we’d probably go with Chochukmo. They all seem like really cool dudes and they’re all incredibly talented. Our styles are a bit different, but I feel like fusion of such differing genres would create something unique.
3. Q: If you could combine with any band in the world and make a supergroup which band would it be and what would you be called?
A: We’d fuse with the Bee Gees so that our super group name could be the Bamboobees.
4. Q: Who are your biggest musical influences?
A: This is a never ending list. Especially because each one of us has his own never ending list!
If each of us had to narrow to two,
Wilfred: Motley Crue, Skid Row
Nam: X Japan, Aerosmith
Terence: Dream Theatre, Paul Gilbert (Mr. Big)
Nate’s not sitting here right now, but his two biggest influences are most definitely Wilfred and Terence.
5. Q: What are your favourite songs to sing in the shower?
A: Wilfred likes to sing Andy Williams, Elvis and all the oldies he doesn’t get to sing in the band.
Terence loves the backstreet boys
Nate sings drum solos and Nam never showers.
6. Q: At the Envol et Macadam festival you’ll get to play along some pretty big names like Rise Against. What would be your ideal top-5 lineup?
A: We would all love to see re-united original Guns n Roses.
I guess also with them we’d need all our childhood heroes! Ozzy, Metallica, Alice Cooper, Megadeth.
7. Q: What do you hope to achieve in Canada?
A: This is a once in a lifetime opportunity! We’d like to not only rock Envol et Macadam, but extend our trip to perform all over the east coast of North America.
8. Q: What would you be if you weren’t musicians?
A: Something with a creative outlet. Possibly stripping.
9. Q: Who was the first person you told about winning Planetrox 2015?
A: Hmmm… We honestly don’t remember. We were so excited everything was a blur.
10. Q: What is your favourite moment on stage/ off stage as a band?
A: I think our favorite moment on stage will always be when we see people singing and feeling our own music with us. Their energy brings out the feels.
The fact that they know our lyrics still blows my mind.
11. Q: What is your toughest moment as a band?
A: We’ve all been through highs and lows. Our toughest moments only make us tighter and stronger.
There’s nothing specific, but for us, finding the right people to play with was pretty tough just like most bands.
12. Q: This is the second year that you took part in Planetrox. What did you do differently from last year?
A: We spent the last year building our experience and support and I think this year it was really our friends that gave us the energy to really go all out on stage.
13. Q: Please describe your band within 2 words.
A: If we had to be accurate about this, then we’d use…. “Bamboo” and.. “Star”.
14. Q: What are the roles of each member in the band? (e.g. the funny one, the leader, the slacker etc..)
A: Categorizing people is WRONG! We won’t do it. Nope. Too many expectations.
15. Q: If you had to swap instruments in the band, what would you pick?
A: Nam would sing because he looks like Wilfred. Conversely, Wilfred would play bass because he looks like Nam. Nate would play guitar because he likes to hold guitars and Terence would play drums because he eats too much and can sit down for long periods of time.
16. Q: What is the ultimate goal of the band?
A: Wilfred talks about this frequently. He wants a burger named after him. The Bambooger.

A: 四年前Terence在結他店試結他,玩Guns n Roses的歌,還玩得很high,碰巧Wilfred經過看見。後來發現大家喜歡同類的音樂,而且都剛搬到香港,便一拍即合。直至2014年頭,我們正準備Underground十週年FanZone festival,貝斯手阿楠是在那時加入的。鼓手Nate則是在年尾,我們在成都巡演時加入的,那時前任鼓手剛赴及紐約進修鼓樂。
2. Q: 最想和哪隊本地樂隊合作?為甚麼?
A: 很難答呢… 本地樂手正篷勃滋長中,真的很難選,要擇其一的話可能是Chochukmo吧。他們的技巧實在非常厲害,雖然大家的風格有點不同,但融合不同的流派反面會創造一些獨特的音樂。
3. Q: 如果可以和世界上任何一隊樂隊合二為一,你們最想和哪隊結合?Band名會叫甚麼?
A: 會和BeeGees吧,那麼我們就可以叫作Bamboobees了。
4. Q: 影響你們最深的音樂人是?
A: 這是一個永無止境的名單,特別是因為我們各人都有各自的名單!如果不得不縮減至兩個的話…
Wilfred: Motley Crue, Skid Row
阿楠: X Japan, Aerosmith
Terence: Dream Theatre, Paul Gilbert (Mr. Big)
5. Q: 你們洗澡時最愛唱甚麼歌?
A: Wilfred喜歡唱Andy Williams、Elvis和所有夾band時不能唱的老歌。
Terence喜歡the backstreet boys。
Nate唱drum solos而阿楠是從不洗澡的。
6. Q: 在Envol et Macadam音樂節中,你將會和很多知名樂隊如Rise Against同台演出,你們理想中的五大陣容是哪些樂隊?
A: 我們最想看見Guns n Roses重組,還有Ozzy、Metallica、Alice Cooper、 Megadeth,這些童年時的偶像吧!
7. Q: 你們在加拿大有甚麼想要實踐的目標嗎?
A: 這是可一不可再的難得機會呢!我們不希望止步於Envol et Macadam音樂節,更想擴展我們的表演範圍至北美東岸。
8. Q: 如果不做樂手的話,你們會做甚麼工作呢?
A: 一些有關創意的工作吧。可能是脫衣舞。
9. Q: 你們把勝出Planetrox 2015這消息第一個向誰人分享?
A: 嗯…老實說我們不記得了。我們當時太興奮了,所有發生的事都很模糊。
10. Q:台上或台下,你們最喜歡、最享受的是哪個時刻?
A: 我們最喜歡的時刻是:當看到大家跟我們一起唱著、感受著屬於我們的音樂,他們的能量帶出了整個感覺,還有他們記得我們的歌詞這事依然令我驚嘆。
11. Q: 最艱難的是哪個時刻?
A: 我們都經歷過高低起跌,最艱難的時刻只會讓我們變得更堅固、更強壯。其實也沒有指定的時刻,但對我們來說,要找到適合的人一起創作、一起合作都是蠻艱難的,就跟大部分樂隊一樣。
12. Q: 今年是第二年你們參加Planetrox,你們做了什麼跟去年不同的事?
A: 我們用去年一年時間來增進自己的經驗和支援,而我覺得今年真的是朋友們給予我們力量去在台上盡情演出。
13. Q: 請用兩個詞語來形容一下你們的樂隊。
A: 如果要很準確的話,那我們會用…”Bamboo”和”Star”。
14. Q: 樂隊中每一位成員的角色是甚麼? (例如: 有趣的一員、領導、偷懶的傢伙等等)
A: 把人分類是不對的,我們不會這樣做。不會,太多期待了。
15. Q: 如果要對調你們的位置的話,你們會如何選擇?
A: 啊楠會當主音, 因為他很像Wilfred。相反地,Wilfred會負責貝斯, 因為他很像啊楠。Nate會彈結他因為他喜歡握結他,而Terence會打鼓因為他吃太多了,還有可以坐下來好一段時間。
16. Q: 樂隊的終極目標是甚麼?
A: Wilfred經常都談到這個,他希望有一個以樂隊名稱命名的漢堡:The Bambooger。