How to Apply for a Short-Term Performance or Work Visa in Hong Kong. 如何申请香港短期表演或工作签证

For over a decade, we have been assisting promoters and independent professionals in securing short-term employment visas that allow them to work or perform in Hong Kong. Our company is well-known to the Hong Kong Immigration Department and is familiar with the application process.

We specialise in helping companies and entertainment professionals who are planning to come to Hong Kong to perform or work. Our expertise focuses on individuals coming for five days or less. Whether it’s one person or one hundred, we can help.

In just the past three years, we have successfully collaborated with musicians, bands, comedians, and auctioneers to facilitate their visa needs. In Hong Kong, a short-term employment visa is required, even if your performance is unpaid or for a charity event.

Contact us today via email or WhatsApp at +852 9486 4648 to see how we can assist you with your performance visa needs. If you are unsure whether you need a visa, feel free to reach out for free advice.

– “We were pleased with the speed and efficiency.” – Cream Kulture (lifestyle brand)
– “Processed my side line visa very efficiently.” – *Craig Eddy*




今天就通过电子邮件或WhatsApp联系我们,电话是 +852 9486 4648,看看我们如何能协助你解决表演签证的需求。如果你不确定是否需要签证,随时联络我们以获取免费建议。

– “We were pleased with the speed and efficiency.” – Cream Kulture (lifestyle brand)
– “Processed my side line visa very efficiently.” – *Craig Eddy*

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