- What is The Underground?
- We are the largest and longest-running live events organisation in Hong Kong. Our aim is to make Hong Kong a real ‘World City’ for music, with cool live music events, a strong local independent music scene & creativity bursting from its every seam. We aim to provide invaluable resources to help bands & musicians gain recognition & exposure, to help fans find information on local music and upcoming shows, and to help venues put together quality events focused on live music.
- Where is The Underground?
- We’re everywhere. The Underground has a number of arrangements with different venues around Hong Kong which it uses to showcase some of the talent available in the city. We currently don’t have our own venue, which means we don’t have to worry about high rents, electricity bills and can focus on booking quality acts to perform at our showcases.
- Why is there a need for The Underground?
- With more than 7 million people, there is an abundance of talent in Hong Kong, and music is always something that our town has been famous for, whether you like Cantopop or not. What we felt was missing was a ‘scene’, a sense of community that those interested in music could tap into for support and to find out what was going on around town. Since we first started, our aim has been to create that sense for musicians and music fans in Hong Kong.
- Who is currently involved in The Underground?
- Chris B continues to spearhead the efforts at The Underground, and leads a team of volunteers from various different backgrounds with a wide range of skills. The Underground team includes a number of local musicians, as well as more who just love music. To meet the team, check out the page in the About Us section of this site.
- Who decides who plays at The Underground shows?
- Before The Underground puts a band on stage at one our shows, we make sure we’ve seen them play live, before an audience. We have several ways of doing this, through showcases organised by other outfits in Hong Kong, by the venues themselves, or through other showcases that The Underground organises under different names. We ensure that a number of our staff are there to gather a diverse range of opinions, and we base our opinion on the consensus of the group.
- Want to perform at The Underground?
- We’re always on the lookout for great local talent, and we love to hear from bands who play original music and are looking for a live audience to play to. Our goal is to encourage and support creativity and original music, which means we are looking for something more than covers. If you’d like to speak with us about getting up on stage at one of our shows, just fill in the form on the ‘Apply to Play‘ page.
- Who started The Underground?
- Chris B & Mike Peart started the ball rolling back in 2004. With the killer SARS virus wreaking havoc on Hong Kong, there was nowhere for bands to play music. So, over a beer (or two!) the concept of The Underground emerged from out of the murk and in April 2004, Underground 1 threw open its doors, and the rest is history.
- How is The Underground funded?
- Over the years, The Underground has had a number of sponsors, usually used to cover the costs involved in special shows, events, or initiatives. These have usually been to cover materials, provide prizes for fans or to chip in assistance, technical knowledge or specialist equipment. Generally speaking, the Underground survives off the ticket sales charged at the door at our events to covers expenses such as keeping our server running, printing flyers, transporting gear, hiring the venue, and so on and so forth.
- Where does the ticket revenue go?
- A portion of the ticket sales go to the venue, the balance is used to cover all expenses, and when there is a profit, this is shared with all the performers.
- What do bands get for performing at The Underground?
- Currently we offer all bands, a live performance review as well as professional photos taken at the event, where possible we also try to video-record a song from each band. We also assist and work with numerous festivals in the Pearl River Delta, so for all the great bands, can offer more performance slots not just our own.
- Does The Underground do anything else apart from organise live music events?
- We support festivals with live band selections, put together compilation CDs, review band CDs, give marketing & promotional advice to bands, and consulting services related to live music. We are always looking for ways to incorporate local bands at events, and to expand the visibility of Hong Kong’s original music scene.
- Can overseas bands play at The Underground?
- We get a lot of people asking us this question and the short answer is ‘Yes!’. One of our main missions in life is to put on great shows with the best music around. We have been happy to include foreign bands in the past, and we have even put on shows in Hong Kong and southern China for some touring bands as they pass through. The most important factor is the music. If we like what we see and hear, and we think Hong Kong would like it too, we’ll do what we can.
There are a few important things to keep in mind. 1) we cannot always put on the shows we’d like to, timing and other factors can sometimes mean that a show just wasn’t meant to be. 2) We’re a tiny organisation, staffed by volunteers and music nuts, so we can’t offer flights or accommodation. We can do our best to give you a good show, and help to promote you while you’re here. To find out how we can help, it’s best to get in touch with us directly. To apply, simply drop us a message at “Apply To Play” stating when your band is planning to come to Hong Kong (exact dates are always helpful) including press kit details.
- 什麼是 The Underground?
- 我們是香港最大型及最長時間活躍舉辦現場活動的機構。我們致力令香港每一個角落都充滿現場音樂活動,強烈地方色彩的音樂景色,讓香港成為音樂的「世界都會」。我們提供豐富資源協助樂隊及樂手獲得曝光機會及認可。另外亦會為樂迷提供有關本地音樂及最近演出的資訊及與場地合作舉辦現場音樂活動。
- The Underground在哪裡?
- 我們無處不在。The Underground 與香港多個場地緊密聯繫,經常舉辦活動展現本地音樂才華。我們暫時沒有專屬的場地,也就是說我們可以將擔心昂貴租金、電費等事務的心機放在搜羅高質素團體於我們的Showcase中演出。
- 為何需要The Underground?
- 香港有超過7百萬人。香港的音樂界向來繁榮,有才華的音樂人亦為數不少 。我們認為香港樂界唯一缺乏的是一個「景象」,一個社群的歸屬感,讓對音樂感興趣的人能找到資源及發掘城內有趣的活動。由我們營運至今的其中一個主要目標為致力替香港的樂手及樂迷創造這個歸屬感。
- 誰在營運The Underground?
- Chris B 一直將全副心機,帶領來至不同背景及各類專長的義務團隊經營The Underground。The Underground 團隊包括多名本地樂手及單純喜愛音樂的團員。歡迎參觀此網站的關於我們一欄,更深入認識我們的團隊。
- 誰決定那些樂手能於The Underground活動中演出?
- The Underground舉辦於活動中呈現一隊樂隊前,必須確保我們看過他們在一群觀眾前的現場演出。樂隊可於由其他香港團體的演出、場地本身活動及The Underground團體舉辦的別名showcase中演出。我們會確保有團隊到場收集多方面的意見,並按照群體的共識達到決定。
- 想於The Underground中演出?
- 我們一直在找尋本地熱愛創作及渴望為樂迷帶來現場演出的才華音樂人 。我們的目標是鼓勵本地創意及原創音樂。也就是說我們需要不單需要Cover歌曲 。如果你想與我們合作,歡迎於此網站的「報名參加」頁面中填妥表格。
- 誰創立The Underground?
- Chris B 及 Mike Peart 於2004年開創The Underground。當年殺手病毒SARS籠罩香港,使本地樂手沒有演出的機會。幸有一杯(兩杯?)啤酒,The Underground的概念便萌生了。2004年4月Underground 1 強勢登場,之後不間斷的為樂隊及樂迷提供大大小小的演出。
- The Underground的營運資金從哪裡來?
- 過去數年間,The Underground獲得多個贊助商支持。一般用來支付特別演出、活動的成本支出。這類支出主要包括活動材料、觀眾獎品及技術支援等事宜。概括而言,the Underground靠著活動門票維持基本生計,例如營運網站、印刷宣傳品、交通運輸、場地租賃等。
- 門票收入會作什麼用途?
- 部分門票收入用作場地租金,餘額將用來支付所有支出。當有利潤時,便會由所有表演者分享。
- 樂隊於The Underground可獲得什麼?
- 現在我們為演出樂隊提供活動的現場評論及專業攝影服務。可行情況下,我們亦會為每一隊樂隊作一首歌曲的專業錄影。我們亦與多個內地音樂節合作,故能為樂隊提供的演出機會不限於The Underground本身的活動。
- The Underground 除了舉辦演場音樂活動外還有其他營運範疇嗎?
- 我們支持有演場樂隊演出的音樂節、錄製雜錦CD、評論樂隊CD、為音樂團體提供市場營銷及推廣意見,及其他有關現場音樂的顧問服務。我們不斷尋找將現場音樂融入活動中的機會,並擴展香港音樂界的曝光率。
- 海外樂隊可以在 The Underground 演出嗎?
- 當然可以!我們一大宗旨是為觀眾帶來優質音樂演出,我們非常樂意為外地樂隊舉辦演出,亦曾為於南中國巡演的樂隊舉辦香港站演出。如相信你的音樂能感染香港,我們將盡力推廣!
可是有幾點需要注意:1) 事情總不能盡如人意,時間或其他因素可能會影響演出。2) 我們規模不大,主要由熱愛音樂的義工負責一切事項,故未能提供機票及住宿費用,但我們承諾會盡一切可能在香港推廣你的音樂,歡迎隨時直接聯絡我們。
如你想申請在The Underground演出,可在本網頁的「報名參加」留下你們來港演出的計劃資料(如日期、樂隊簡介、試聽歌曲等)。