Cold Air Blue


Live Review from Underground 82:

Unfortunately for this next band, they had to follow a maximum energized set from ‘TIA’, so a lot of people were knackered and had left by this point. It was also quite late and the rain was now hammering down! ‘Cold Air Blue’ were a late addition to the show as one of the band members (of which there were 5) were leaving soon and they begged to play a set. Or something like that. (Booze at the time and trying to decipher rain destroyed notes now…) These guys were actually pretty damn good! I kept trying to pin point who they sound like, but it was really hard putting my finger on it. At times it was very grungy guitars and 90’s sounding, but then the singer had a similar tone of voice to the ‘Good Charlotte’ guy. Also there are moments where there were little guitar interludes, which were dressed in delay and reverb, making it sound real dreamy. So I guess you could say these guys play Alternative Rock, but it’s pretty unique. You never really knew where their songs were going next and it was interesting to watch! Nice one lads.

Wow what a long great night. Just for the record , and because it’s such an epic story, I didn’t get to my designated ‘crash pad’ till 2 hours after this gig. All transport stopped, so me and my buddy were walking around Central in the rain trying to flag a cab down that would take us home for less than 200 bucks! Crazy times! Crazy but good!
Tim – Hong Kong Independent Music Blog

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Performances by Cold Air Blue: