Message from Eve of Sin about CD3 Release Party B:
Eve of Sin was pleasantly surprised when we were given the opening slot to Underground CD#3 Launch Party B and took the concept of starting with a bang seriously!
Having everything plugged in and set up we began the night with our signature crazy headbanging and took it a step further by expanding our “stage area” to the “audience area”, having headbang battles with the crowd during our set. It’s always fun because we know Underground isn’t going to come and say “hey hey hey, get your hands off the performers!” to everyone. Heck, we noticed Chris B smiling as she saw the fun times everyone was having.
We’re really thankful for being part of this compilation CD because it was an honor to be put side by side with other great bands from the same neighborhood. It re-inspired us and reminded us that we’re somebody’s, a band worth having organizations like Mark-1 and The Underground notice and nurture. We learned a lot during the whole process which is what we cherish the most. It’s things like these that remind us why we’re a band in the first place!
Eve of Sin
Live review from Underground Heavy #2:
1. [Untitled]-*New Song
2. Surrender
3. Strangle
4. Enslave No One
5. Undefeated
The word ‘heavy’ does not quite do these guys justice – it’s a bit like calling the sun ‘hot’. The 15-minute break between sets was working quite well, with most of the audience back before the band began, and that created a palpable sense of expectancy as the band went through their frenetic warm-up-paces. After some hilarious tangling with Gregory, a salvo of crashing drums, thundering guitars, thudding bass and a screaming voice that Tom Araya (of Slayer) would be proud of, was unleashed in the form of their new song. The real headbanging began now, with the beginnings of a mosh-pit too. (It was interesting to note that the frontline of revellers was composed primarily of the members of FoA.) In fact, things got so intense that singer Mouse needed to take a breather after the action that Strangle saw.
Their songs were arranged for being potent headbanging numbers, with some interesting twists thrown in. A sinister, repeated lick formed the sonic background of Surrender, while Enslave No One had one of those classic hardcore Speedy Gonzalez runs-in to a song, with some phenomenal drumwork towards the end. There was a ‘parting of the Red Sea’ (of audience members) type-moment to hail Undefeated, to prepare room for a slam-pit, which served the crowd’s preferences well, and the set was ended on an action-packed high.Shashwati
Live Review from Underground 73:
Lock away the young children, cause Eve of Sin , are to put it in one word. Brutal. They basically piss on every time I have described a band as heavy in this review. They are described as extreme metal. Even that seems too mellow for the wall of noise Eve of Sin produce. It goes without saying that the catchy segment for the evenings entertainment was well and truly over. The quintet consist of 2 guitarists, a bassist , a drummer (who also doubles up as a Stand Up Comic , Hi Vivek!) and a vocalist, or scream artist. I thought it was great that before they started their set, one of the guitarists nailed his beer before ripping into the riff of the opening song. Eve of Sin played a 5 song set of shredding, double kick drum assaults and soul piercing screams. I have to say though, for the heaviness of the music, I would have liked to seen the ax players rock out and tear shit up a hell of a lot more. No riot police were called out to this one, though bouncers did put an end to any moshing. On a side note, Eve of Sin have a really cool website : www.eveofsin.com
Tim – Hong Kong Independent Music Blog
Live Review from Underground 56:
When Eve of Sin started playing it was all too evident that the night was going to culminate in a police raid. LOUD, anti-establishment, amoral, to-the-point, in-yer-face and blasphemous – all the right qualities for a howling metal band.
The songs all featured intimidating bass lines, smashed drums and thrashy guitars. Vocals…well… were metalcore vocals – microphone down deep-throat and a choice of guttural and throaty blasts or higher pitched screams. Bodies thrashed in a throb-mob around the stage. Occasionally you got a quieter, melodic lull in some of their songs – kinda like a lull before the storm. The feeling of suspense grabs you. You never knew quite when it would come…but come it did…and all furious hell would break loose again. As good a rush as any.
At the end of the set, the crowd eagerly looked stage-ward for more. ‘Go home now,’ the drummer advised sensibly, but then the band reconsidered and set about busting the walls and their vocal cords some more.
Somewhere in the vicinity 26 cops with batons, walkie talkies, and, most intimidating of all, notebooks with carbon paper inserts, felt the shock and came to civil society’s rescue. Tonight was the night that will be forever remembered in history as The Night of The First (But Not The Last) Underground Raid. As the vast numbers of flatfoots trooped in to the tiny club the mood went from a free-for-all good time and full-on metalcore scream fest to a thick silence. When I coldly asked the lads in kevlar jackets if there was a bomb or something, they assured me it was just a routine check. Heavy-handed twats. (Lucky I had my ID or as Chris B tells me they would have taken me down the station for a kicking.) But still, all in all it must have been a good show if the fuzz showed up.
Isobel S. Saunders
Quote from Eve of Sin: “Nothing tells us we’re more loved than ending our set with the Police crew storming in like a wall of death. Too bad they missed the cue point in one of our songs. Luckily the audience in front were better and joined us in head banging to our tunes. It was an interesting and different experience for us and we appreciate the opportunity and look forward to ending our next set with the Chinese Military coming in to mosh with us.”