Ronnie Lynn (Shenzhen 深圳)

DSC00048.JPG Live review from Underground Rustic:

1. Different Worlds (Jess Hudak cover)
2. My Path
3. Little Talks (Of Monsters And Men cover)
4. Stay Live
5. Jaded
6. I’ll Follow You Into The Dark (Death Cab For Cutie cover)

「我爸爸曾揶揄說我不會自己寫作歌曲,所以我寫了這首歌,叫My Path。」Rustic #1第一位表演者就是只不過17歲Ronnie Lynn。她是一位自彈自唱的女高音,擁有一把稍害羞但甜美、悅耳的聲線。一開始時唱的Different Worlds以及13歲時創作的My Path,作為acoustic歌曲,風格比較保守、平淡。然而後半段Stay Alive和Jaded兩首原創曲改變了當晚的氣氛,前者的節奏由輕鬆突然變得浮躁,後者的旋律更有點Lana Del Rey的味道。當晚六首歌的表演,彷彿紀錄著這位年輕歌手風格日漸成熟,自信心增強的歷程。
– Elson Tong

For a lot of musicians, success is something aspirational and subjective. For Ronnie Lynn, it seems to be a matter of when rather than if. And it will be the objective kind. Her first song, a cover of Different Worlds by Jes Hudak is a perfect couple of steps away from the original that it shows us straightaway what she’s all about. Sweet, delicate folky pop with nice simple arpeggio finger picking runs. That’s Travis Picking to you guitar nerds.

At such an intimate venue, it would be normal for someone so young to be intimidated and avert her eyes from the crowd. But Ronnie epitomises calmness, like she’s been in this setting many times before. These days it feels like countless bands are covering Little Talks by Of Monsters And Men, but I have to say Ronnie nails it better than most. She slows down the tempo and gives it a simple picking pattern which really changes the dynamic of the song. The original is pretty busy with lots going on, so the sound of such a stripped down version is refreshing. A few tweaks here and bent notes there and suddenly the song seems to mean something else. 

She tells us her own song Stay Live is for anyone who has been through a tough time. A reminder that life can be hard no matter if you’re aged 17 or 70. Her song Jaded is a heart-breaking story of loneliness and hope and I’m blown away by the content of her songs for someone so young. The crowd want more of Ronnie and beg for an encore and so she indulges us with a cover of Death Cab For Cutie’s I’ll Follow You Into The Dark. A song I didn’t know, but sounds just like it could be one of her own.

She obviously sees the darkness in this world, but she takes that darkness, sticks it in a major key and sings it sweetly with a smile. Ronnie is a living, breathing message to us all that everything is going to be alright.
– Simon Donald Jones

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Performances by Ronnie Lynn (Shenzhen 深圳):