Live review from The Art of Music II:
1. Oldman Finger
2. I Will Go Alone
3. Catch Me
4. Na Mss
5. Rabbit Run
6. You Are The Universe
7. Summer Fall
8. The House (民族風)
9. Worth It
10. Man Up The Hill
來自印尼的Stars and Rabbit擅長玩Indie pop和Psychedelic Pop的曲風。當晚是他們亞洲次旅的香港站。他們的歌曲實在難以抵抗,難怪當日有位觀眾由上一站追看他們到今站。他們先用柔和電音做出夢幻的氣氛,讓全場一起進入他們的迷離世界。他們先用兩首比較陽光的Indie Pop的<Oldman Finger>和Indie Rock的<I’ll go alone> 開場。陰沉又緩慢的<You Are The Universe>和<Summerfall> 加上非洲鼓,現場就像正午舉行一些另類宗教的儀式般。之後的悲情的<Cry Little Heart>,有點像Lykki Li風格的如<Love Me Like I Am Not Made of Stone>。<The House>是另一首帶有民族風的歌曲。當中的電音加上主音聲嘶力竭地唱出副歌,仿似在大草原,聽到了風的歌聲一樣。最後以兩首比較陽光Indie Folk的< Worth It>和<Man Up The Hill>作結。必須一提的是女主音Suri 的聲線像是Duffy 和Bjork的混合,有沙啞的扭音非常有特色。
– Dicky Kwong
Stars and Rabbit require a proper introduction before seeing them perform. The compositions and the singers’ haunting, artistic ambience are not typical of a trio one might expect to hear upon walking into a pub on acoustic night.
The singer’s stage presence was tangible and fitting with the edgy vocal style. She plays up her vocal resemblance to Björk with hair bunches and it all adds to the presentation. There are moments when she deliberately adds gravelly-touches to her vocals and they are spine-chilling for this listener at least. The addition of bass drum is a nice touch. “I Will Go Alone” is remarkably full-sounding with drums, foot stomping and Nirvana chord sequences. Tasty music indeed.
Their band sound is superb, perhaps this is because they wisely travel with their own soundman, who utilized Backstage’s acoustics better than I’ve ever heard there. On “Rabbit Run” I thought I was listening to the Sugarcubes ☺ Overall I was exceedingly happy that I was asked to attend this event and watch this band. I would highly recommend their live act. I bought their CD which I have to say is a work of art in itself. They described themselves as something like Björk x Joan Baez. I would prefer to describe them as “Björk meets Florence Welch meets Mumford and Sons”
Great show. Hope they come back to Hong Kong.
– Benjamin Ko