- Why perform at Shazza Music Showcase?
- Here at The Underground, we’re focused on promoting great bands and convincing Hong Kong people there are local acts worth paying attention to. If you want to play at The Underground and we’ve never seen you perform live, we’ll invite you to play at a Shazza Music Showcase first. Shazza Music Showcase is held at the Wanch and timeslots are 30 minutes.
It’s your chance to show us your band is tight, together and puts on a good show. Once we’ve seen how good you are live, we can put you in line for The Underground and other events we curate. For example, Hey Joe Trio played Shazza 57 and we invited them to open a festival at New Central Harbourfront just a month later. (Other bands that have played at Shazza Music Showcases include Nowhere Boys and Shumking Mansion)
Maybe you’ve already played at the Wanch, and maybe you have YouTube or Soundcloud links of your stuff, but for us there’s no substitute for seeing you live. We hope your band understands this is super helpful for us and helpful for you too.
- 為什麼要在Shazza Music Showcase中表演?
The Underground致力推廣本土樂隊的發展,讓香港大眾知道本土音樂也很值得我們去留意。如果你希望在The Underground的節目中演出,而我們從來都沒有機會欣賞你們的現場演出,我們會首先邀請你到Shazza Music Showcase中演出。Shazza Music Showcase會在the Wanch舉行,每隊演出時間是30分鍾。這是一個很好的機會去展示你們樂隊的實力,以及告訴我們你的現場演出有多棒! 只要我們看過你的精采演出,便會把你的樂隊列入The Underground舉辨的活動當中。例如Hey Joe Trio曾經在Shazza 57中演出,一個月之後我們便邀請他們到中環新海濱的一個節目中作開場表演!也許你已經在the Wanch演出過,又或者已在Youtube 或Soundcloud上載自己的作品,但是並沒有任何途徑能真正代替親眼看到你們的現場演出,希望大家明白這一個對大家都是相當有用的安排。