Ally doesn’t come from a film or multimedia education background. She studies something which she considers as the most boring thing in the world – accounting. Never learned a bit of filming techniques from any classes. But she is lucky that she can get the basic knowledge from different job experience, and trial and error. She mostly works on event recording, like music shows, competitions, workshops etc. She wants to become a film director. However, that’s just nothing but a dream to her. Having made a few bizarre short videos, she claims that she will be David Lynch one day.
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Ally並不是一位電影系或多媒體系學生。她大學主修會計,一樣她認為世上最無聊的事。喜歡拍攝只因來自喜歡電影。她希望成為一位導演,但她認為這只會是白日夢。她主要拍攝各類型活動,例如音樂表演,工作坊,比賽等。曾經拍過一些風格奇怪的小故事,而她認為終有一天她會是David Lynch。