Becky is currently studying creative-related subjects which pique her curiosity at university in Hong Kong, which gives her countless opportunities to involve herself in various types of arts like theatre, filming, multi-media, etc. And she has been binging on as much art as she can. So far she’s found that helping musicians is the most interesting thing to do with her time and joined the Underground to lend a hand wherever she can.
Becky mainly writes song reviews and translates between English and Chinese. Writing song reviews gives her a chance to listen to new and different things all the time (and it’s fun!). There’re so many things happening in and around the place that it’s difficult to keep up. New music is coming out all the time, and Becky is thrilled to be a part of it in Hong Kong, lending a hand wherever she can!
Becky現正於大學修讀有關創意藝術的學科,並激起她對創意藝術的好奇心,於是投入於無數藝術活動,如電影,多媒體創作等範疇。她熱衷於協助音樂表演者,並於The Underground做文書中英翻譯及音樂評論等工作。她認為由於在寫歌曲評論中,她能藉機會聽新歌曲, 這是一樣非常好的工作。天天都有新的音樂,Becky非常希望能為本地音樂盡一分力。