Calvin Wong

Calvin has a wide range of interests from automobiles to scuba diving but is passionate about music. With a classical grounding Calvin had tried his luck with several instruments but his biggest claim to fame is picking up two singing trophies at the Devon & Exeter Music Festival back in the mist of time in his one and only attempt at the competition game. These days, however, Calvin almost exclusively plays the bass guitar. Having been introduced to rock music by a wayward uncle as a youngster Calvin now listens to pretty much everything under the sun: coupled with his high tolerance for loud noise, he serves as “the A & R guy” for The Underground and generally contents himself with creating work for Chris B..


Calvin 熱衷多種活動如汽車,潛水, 更是酷愛音樂。他曾接受古典音樂的基礎訓練及不同樂器的研習,並於首次Devon & Exeter Music Festival 比賽中贏得兩個歌唱獎項, 因此聲名大噪。近年, 他專注於彈奏低音結他。受搖滾音樂前輩影響,Calvin愛聽搖滾音樂。Calvin被喻為The Underground “the A & R guy” 並非常愉快地為Chris B 製造麻煩。

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