Starting as a dancer when she was just a little girl, Chloe is very enthusiastic about any sort of cultural-related activities – from music to drama to dance. She thinks culture is another form of aesthetics and it can go beyond the tangibility that can pierce through your heart like a sharp knife. The Underground provides her an excellent opportunity to delve into the dynamics of Hong Kong culture, especially the indie music scene. Chloe mainly does translation, writes press releases and manages social media websites for the Underground. You might also see her at the door of Underground events fussing over the change for your tickets.
Chloe is a student from Hong Kong Baptist University, majoring in English Language and Literature. She also likes to read sci-fi fiction and watch everything-except-thriller movies in her spare time.
從小開始跳舞,Chloe對所有與文化藝術有關的活動十分有興趣﹣ 音樂,戲劇,舞蹈等。她認為文化散發出一種不能形容的
美,它的美能的觸動我們的內心深處。The Underground 給矛她一個機會去進一步探索香港的文藝界,朮其是香港的獨立音
樂。Chloe 主要在The Underground做翻譯,寫稿及管理社交網站的工作,也許你也會在The Underground活動中看見她手忙
Chloe 是香港浸會大學的英國語文發文學系學生。在空閒的時間,她喜歡看科幻小說及電影(除了驚慄片外)。