Jasmine is many things- part time television floor manager, part time avid Sims 4 player (although Sims 2 will always be her favourite), and full time emo kid.
Raised on a steady musical diet of Queen, The Jam, David Bowie, and Cher, it’s no surprise that her tastes err on the side of theatricality.
(Yes, by theatricality I mean My Chemical Romance).
Having graduated with a degree in English and Drama, she does what every music nerd and lit grad does in their spare time. That is, write and think about the history of the metalcore breakdown, and argue with her friends about why nu metal does have a place in 2020.
When she found out she could do all those things and publish them to the Underground instead, she promptly dismissed her friends.
Jasmine loves writing and editing everything, from her sister’s dissertation to her (ex) friends’ poorly written Twitter rants. At the Underground, she reviews live sets, EPs, and helps spruce up press releases as needed- and she won’t let you forget the necessity and importance of the humble Oxford comma.
When she isn’t scribbling maniacally in a bright pink notebook at the back of a live music venue, or drinking an aperol spritz in three sips at brunch, you can find her abusing her role as an admin on the Chaotic Hong Kong Expat facebook group, learning yet another Green Day riff on her glittery green bass guitar, or taking a nap (that she doesn’t really need) at 2pm on a weekday.
Jasmine有多重身份:她既是兼職電視節目指導,又是兼職的Sims 4忠實玩家(雖然她的最愛始終是Sims 2),更是全職的emo 青年。
自小由Queen、The Jam、David Bowie和Cher等人之歌曲餵大的她,少不免擁有著相當戲劇性的口味。(是的,戲劇性指的是My Chemical Romance那種)
當她發現這些內容可以在the Underground上發佈時,她馬上拋棄了和她爭論的朋友,轉向the Underground的懷抱。
Jasmine熱愛寫作和批改文章,不管是她妹妹的畢業論文,還是被她拋棄的朋友在推特上的抱怨文。她會在the Underground撰寫現場表演和迷你專輯的樂評,並協助修改新聞稿——她保證會令你明白到標點符號的重要性。
當她不是在現場表演的後排觀眾席低頭疾書,或在早午餐時段大口喝著橘子味利口酒時,她多數是在管理臉書專頁「Chaotic Hong Kong Expat」(狂亂的外派人在香港),或是正在用她閃燦燦的綠色低音結他練習Green Day的樂段,又