Yan Yan Pang

As an indie musician herself, and having spent some years in Canada and seen other thriving live music scenes, Yan saw the chance to help out her talented musician friends by getting involved in The Underground because in the past, she hasn’t been able to find such a strong community support for live music in Hong Kong. Yan helps to do a bit of everything from stage managing to doorperson to translator. Yan is currently in two bands: After-After-Party and Guitars & Panties and will involve herself in more as she not only plays the bass and the guitar, she also sings and is an accomplished songwriter.


Yan Yan為獨立音樂人,在加拿大投入音樂多年並看見欣欣向榮的現場音樂表演。後來,她尋找到一個強大的獨立音樂平台The Underground。在香港,這是一個很難得的平台支持本地現場音樂表演。
Yan Yan在The Underground中協助幕前管理及翻譯,也在After-After-Party和Guitars & Panties 中擔任低音結他手,結他手,歌手及作曲者。

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