漂流出口 Outlet Drift (Taiwan 台灣)


Live review from True to This:

1. 席紵 Sico
2. 牙齒+思念
3. 無比大
4. 粉碎性道別 Fragmented Farewell
5. 神的大便 Shit of God
6. 還是躺著 Still Lying +不會自己買 Can’t You Buy Yourself

這是台東原住民樂隊漂流出口Outlet Drift第一次來港演出,原住民樂隊在香港應較少人接觸,他們的演出卻把當晚場子的氣氛推至高峰。穿著自己民族的服裝,他們一上台就已經十分搶眼,他們的女主唱兼bassist以響亮的聲線清唱了一小段intro, 然後一下子full band加入,製造了超大也超正的反差,感覺像由流水突然變成瀑布,全場的氣氛也跟著一下子飆升。男主唱和女主唱的screaming十分竭斯底里,鼓beat也夠重,整個表演相當有力好看!

整體來說,看漂流出口的演出你會想到兩個字: 氣勢,他們的氣場的確十分強勁,表演也十分成熟,他們把原住民音樂混合hard rock做得淋灕盡致,只要聽到他們的聲音,你無法不轉過頭欣賞他們的音樂,因此整個場子的氣氛基本上完全被他們掌控,有夠壓場,即使語言不同(他們所有歌曲都是原住民語),當晚觀眾們最投入的應也莫過於漂流出口的精彩演出,期待他們再次來港,在更大的場子應會更好看更過癮!
– Sidick Lam

Outlet Drift are one of those bands that catch your attention as soon as they go onstage. The indigenous three-piece band hail from Taitung and they remained true to their roots by dressing in indigenous outfits. I’d heard good things about the group’s live performances, as they’d opened for A Place to Bury Strangers previously in Taiwan, so I already knew they (a) had played with one of my favorite bands, and (b) would be very, very noisy.

The band did not let me down that night; they were loud, very loud, in the best way possible – the sort of energy they brought with them was rare at gigs in Lan Kwai Fong. Their set began with a display of their vocal harmonies, but their voices (especially that of bassist/vocalist Putad Pihay) really shone from their second song onwards. It’s impossible to categorize them as any one genre, and they probably wouldn’t like to be labeled either. The best I can do to describe them is that they make psychedelic, experimental noise rock that often ventures into long post-rock-esque instrumental sections.

From his insanely fast guitar playing to jumping into the crowd to spraying beer on his instrument, guitarist/vocalist Wusang Pihay plays with an incredible intensity. Drummer Kurt Ken is clearly equally talented as his other two band members, as he drums with such speed and rhythm that makes him mesmerizing to watch. As with many shows, closer “不會自己買 Can’t You Buy Yourself” was the highlight, with the instrumental solo drawn out extra long and the band playing with an extra fervour. We need more bands like Outlet Drift, and more gigs like this; I only wish more people had been able to experience – and it was one hell of an experience – it in person.
– Vivian Yeung

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Performances by 漂流出口 Outlet Drift (Taiwan 台灣):