1. Course Of Action
2. Awake You Ask Kinda Awkwardly
3. Subtraction
4. If You Really Want To
5. Escape
7. Innocence In The Name Of Love
8. Ashes, Ashes
2015.04.15 RELEASE / ¥1,728 (Tax in) / THLI-001
來自日本及成軍四年的Survive Said The Prophet(SSTP)在去年推出〈Meiam〉及〈Cocoon〉兩張單曲後,於本年2015年4月15日推出首張全日本流通的專輯《Course Of Action》。除了收錄全新作品〈Subtraction〉、〈Escape〉及〈Ashes,Ashes〉外,更重新錄製〈Awake You Ask Kinda Awkwardly 〉及〈Innocence In The Name Of Love〉兩首過往的作品。
After the release of two singles in 2014; Meiam and Cocoon, Survive Said The Prophet, which was formed four years ago in Japan, have finally released their first album Course Of Action that can be purchased Japan-wide. Apart from the new songs Subtraction, Escape and Ashes, Ashes, they also re-recorded their previous songs Awake You Ask Kinda Awkwardly and Innocence In The Name Of Love.
以Loud Rock、Hardcore的風格為基本,加上Screamo、Emo、甚至Pop等不同風格,從序曲〈Course of action〉中不斷循環的琴音中加上不同樂器,無論是講述愛情的〈Awake You Ask Kinda Awkwardly〉及〈Innocence In The Name Of Love〉,還是,啟發性及旋律豐富的〈Subtraction〉、情感及節奏感強烈的〈Escape〉和自我反省、帶著哀愁感的〈Mirror〉,到最後充滿空間及自由感的〈Ashes,Ashes〉,就如專輯名字「Course Of Action」一樣,彷彿把他們的可能性擴展至無限遠。
The album is fundamentally wrapped in styles of Loud Rock and Hardcore with the addition of Screamo, Emo and even Pop music. From the looping profound keyboard sound in the intro song Course of Action, the love songs Awake You Ask Kinda Awkwardly and Innocence In The Name Of Love, inspiring and melodious Subtraction, passionate and rhythmical Escape, sentimental and self-reflecting Mirror, to the untrammelled and spacious Ashes, Ashes, just like the title, this album works as if it extends all the possibilities to infinity.
此外,《Course Of Action》專輯封面只是以一個小的灰色圓形為中心,原意為代表「Course Of Action」的無限可能性,設計雖然簡單,但卻確確實實表達到每人自身也擁有無限潛能的意念。
Moreover, the cover of the album includes only a mini grey circle on a write space which is intended to represent the all and infinity of course of action. Despite the simplicity of the design, it closely fits the idea of the endless possibilities of oneself’s actions.
SSTP一向以現場演出的感染力及力量著稱,《Course Of Action》的發表巡迴演出已在日本展開,並於6月香港蒲吧進行了香港站的演出。他們更將於8月10日擔任美國樂隊The Used於九展Music Zone舉行的香港場演岀的嘉賓,樂迷萬勿錯過!
SSTP is always renowned of their dreadful power and infection in their live performances.’ Course Of Action Release Tour’ is now occurring all over Japan and happened succesfully in Hong Kong’s Hang Out on 13th of June. Soon, they will be supporting the American band The Used as a guest performer for their show in KITEC Music Zone on 10th AUG 2015. Make sure you won’t miss this precious chance to watch their awesome live show!
– Jamie Tam

詳情請到 https://www.facebook.com/survivesaidtheprophet
More on https://www.facebook.com/survivesaidtheprophet
(Photos from Survive Said The Prophet’s official website)