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Shazza Music Showcase #143


Independent live music organisation The Underground HK is delighted to announce 𝗦𝗛𝗔𝗭𝗭𝗔 𝗠𝗨𝗦𝗜𝗖 𝗦𝗛𝗢𝗪𝗖𝗔𝗦𝗘 #𝟭𝟰𝟯 at The Wanch on Wednesday 19th February 2025. Featuring four emerging local acts, the showcase starts at 9pm and is free entry.
The Underground HK 將會响 1月15日號星期三晚喺經典嘅 The Wanch重新推出舉足輕重嘅「 Shazza 音樂展示會Showcase #143」,包括四個嶄露頭角嘅樂隊表演。
Come along on February 19th for a taste of what’s new and buzzing on Hong Kong’s burgeoning alternative live music scene.
2月19 日晚,一齊嚟見證香港本地另類獨立音樂強勢回歸啦!
𝐖𝐞𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲 19th February 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟓年2月𝟏9日(星期三)
9pm – 12am
@The Wanch, 1/F, Henan Bldg., 90 Jaffe Rd, Wan Chai 灣仔謝斐道90號豫港大廈1樓

SAPPHIRE YOSHI (video game)
M.A.D. (rock)

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Metal Valentine!


Valentine’s Day is for the lovers – the metal lovers, that is. Come to Wave Music on 15 February for a heart-thumping night of heavy music.

The evening kicks off with CMDZ, a rising metalcore band known for their powerful sound driven by vociferous emotional intensity.
Next up, you’ll get heart-eyed for Protoss神族, a dominant force on Hong Kong’s death metal scene. This reformed band unleashes an unrelenting sound with aggressive downtempo rhythms and brutal breakdowns, delivering a visceral live experience. Stand well back if you don’t want to get beer splashed on your dinner suit.

For a formidable final overture, Snails will take the stage. Comprised of members from the likes of King Lychee, Dagger and Kyanos, this rowdy hardcore escargatoire have an explosive energy hidden under their tough shell.

Grab tickets and your paramour, and get ready to raise your cup to the occasion’s namesake martyred Roman saint with a decibel-crushing, headbang-inciting night of mayhem.


當晚將由CMDZ開場,這支新興的金屬核樂隊以強烈的情感和強勁的音效而聞名。接下來,您將為Protoss神族心動不已,這是香港死亡金屬界的主導力量。這支重組樂隊釋放出不斷侵襲的音效,搭配激烈的慢節奏和殘酷的斷裂,帶來一場震撼人心的現場演出。如果您不想讓啤酒潑到晚宴服上,請保持距離。作為壓軸表演,Snails將登台。他們的成員來自King Lychee、Dagger和Kyanos等樂隊,這支喧鬧的硬核蝸牛樂隊在堅硬外殼下隱藏著爆炸性的能量。 快來購票並帶上您的摯愛,準備好舉杯慶祝這位殉道羅馬聖人的名字,享受一個分貝轟炸、引發頭部搖擺的瘋狂之夜。

2025年2月15日樂隊:CMDZ、Protoss神族 和 Snails
票務熱線:+852 9486 4648

2025年2月15日 – Saturday 15th February 2025
樂隊 Bands:𝗖𝗠𝗗𝗭、𝗣𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗼𝘀𝘀神族 和 𝗦𝗻𝗮𝗶𝗹𝘀
開門 Doors open:8:30pm
演出 Show:9pm – 11:30pm
Wave Music: Wave Music Studio Unit F & G, B/F, Phase 2, Kwun Tong Industrial Building, 470 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon
預售門票 Advance tickets:HK$220(名額有限 limited capacity)
即場門票 Walk-in tickets(如有):HK$300

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Sonic Showcase


Awesome Unleashed: The Underground的Sonic Showcase將為2月7日AIA嘉年華帶來活力!

The Underground的Sonic Showcase將呈現五組令人驚嘆的表演者,首先登場的是Zoe Haynes,這位年輕的冉冉升起的新星以其真摯的歌詞和靈魂旋律而聞名,靈感來自於Joni Mitchell和Lucy Dacus等藝術家。接下來是失業園 Unemployers,一支以獨特台灣風格而脫穎而出的情緒樂隊。

接下來是The Ferals (HK),他們的歌曲《Woofie》去年被香港作曲家及作詞家協會提名為最佳歌曲。在這個特別的夜晚,搖滾樂隊將介紹他們的新貝斯手Avi,並帶來充滿活力的表演,展現豐富的個性。隨後是omnimori,他們將另類搖滾與鞋盡音樂融合,探索青春與都市生活的情感複雜性。

這場嘉年華盛會的壓軸表演是The Underground的最愛What They Do,以其震撼的現場表演和強勁的聲音而著稱,擁有強大的嗓音和大量吉他獨奏。

這是一次慶祝創意、社區及香港充滿活力的音樂文化的盛會,The Underground的聲音展示將成為在AIA嘉年華中不容錯過的夜晚。

The Underground’s Sonic Showcase features five incredible acts, kicking off with Zoe Haynes, a young rising star whose heartfelt lyrics and soulful melodies draw inspiration from artists such as Joni Mitchell and Lucy Dacus. Following her is 失業園 unemployers, an emo band who set themselves apart with a distinct Taiwanese flavour.

Next up is The Ferals (HK), whose song “Woofie” was nominated for Best Song by the Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong last year. On this special night, the rockers will introduce their new bassist Avi while delivering an energised show with tonnes of personality. They’re followed by omnimori, who blend alternative rock with shoegaze influences to explore the emotional complexities of youth and urban life.

Headlining this carnival extravaganza is The Underground favourites, What They Do, renowned for a kick-ass, hair-flailing live performance, and hard-rockin’ sound defined by powerful vocals and guitar solos galore.

A celebration of creativity, community and Hong Kong’s vibrant music culture right on the harbourfront, The Underground’s Sonic Showcase will be an unmissable night out at the AIA Carnival.

The Underground’s Sonic Showcase
Friday 7 Feb, 2025 年2月7日(星期五)
Bands: Zoe Haynes, 失業園 unemployers, The Ferals (HK), omnimori & What They Do
AIA Carnival, Central Harbourfront Event Space, 9 Lung Wo Rd, Central
中環龍和道9號 中環海濱活動空間
Tickets 門票: HK$150 (includes admission and 10 carnival tokens. 包括一人入場及10個代幣)

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Join us for a sensational night of glamour, music, and unrestrained creativity at The Underground Presents: Drag Me to Hell, part of the Fringe Festival! On January 21st, from 9 PM to 10:30 PM, prepare to be dazzled by an eclectic fusion of live music and drag performance featuring the dazzling Evanescen!ce and the dynamic band JUNK!. This show is not just a performance; it’s an experience that defies categorization—part live music, part drag, part cabaret, and all madness! Get ready for a night where boundaries blur and creativity reigns supreme.
來參加一個超級精彩的夜晚!The Underground Presents: Drag Me to Hell,作為Fringe Festival的一部分,我們將在1月21日晚上9點至10點半,帶給你無與倫比的魅力、音樂和創意狂潮!準備好被風閃耀的Evanescen!ce以及充滿活力的樂隊*JUNK!*所驚艷吧!
這場表演不僅僅是個秀;這是一種超越類別的體驗——結合了現場音樂、變妝表演、歌舞劇和瘋狂!準備好迎接一個界限模糊、創意無限的夜晚。 快來一起享受這個充滿色彩和活力的派對,讓我們一起在這個特別的夜晚盡情釋放自我!

Tickets 票務

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