8 Years Ago Today 8年前今天


28-03-22 @



    8 years ago today, we held our first big outdoor festival to celebrate 10 years of The Underground. We are all still in awe to think that we had ToNick, Supper Moment, Bamboo Star, DR.EGGS, HEY JOE TRIO, Shotgun Politics, noughts and exes (RIP Joshua Wong) as well as Galaxy Express from Korea, all in ONE night!! 8年前今天,我們辦了第一個戶外音樂節,慶祝The Underground的第一個10年。回想起來,怎相信可以一個晚上集合ToNick,Supper Moment,Bamboo Star, Dr.Eggs,Hey Joe Trio,Shotgun Politics,Noughts & Exes (RIP Joshua)和來自南韓的Galaxy Express!

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