Shazza Music Showcase #129


14-10-23 @



    Independent live music organisation The Underground HK is delighted to announce Shazza Music Showcase #129, at The Wanch on Wednesday, October 25th. Featuring four emerging local acts, the showcase starts at 9pm and is free entry.
    The Underground HK 將會响 10 月 25日號星期三晚喺經典嘅 The Wanch重新推出舉足輕重嘅「 Shazza 音樂展示會Showcase #129」,包括四個嶄露頭角嘅樂隊表演。
    Come along on October 25th for a taste of what’s new and buzzing on Hong Kong’s burgeoning alternative live music scene.
    10月25 日晚,一齊嚟見證香港本地另類獨立音樂強勢回歸啦!

    Shazza Music Showcase #129
    Wednesday 25th October 2023 年10月25日(星期三)
    @ The Wanch, 1/F, Henan Bldg., 90 Jaffe Rd, Wan Chai (灣仔謝斐道90號豫港大廈1樓)
    9pm – 12am
    Rachel Liauw and Band (pop)
    CROISSANT (hard rock)
    Clover (rock ballads)
    Vision of Wild (deathcore)

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