Live review from Anti-Social Media Underground:
1. Intro
2. Prologue
3. I Wish
4. 困
5. 別
What Forget the G (another band that is a long-time returnee to The Underground’s stage) is like can be summed up quite well in something that singer Eric said during their set – “Welcome to our dimension”. Indeed, listening to them is to step into a different dimension, but in more ways than one. Aside from the obvious fact that they play a very specific type of music that most bands don’t, they also go for the long-form song, which is also very unusual. However, I have always been of the opinion that a band has to really earn the right to play a single song in front of an audience for times approaching and above eight minutes. Many, many bands do not actually have enough to say in musical terms (lyrics, not so much) to justifiably fill that space, and it tends to be taken up by the bane of heavy bands’ existences – wanky and pointless noodling. So, does this band hit the mark? Yes; and how.
They earn every minute that they take up of your attention, and don’t use the ‘experimental’ tag to aimlessly wander down sonic alleyways. Their music is focussed and laser sharp, managing to be minimalistic in its grandeur. The sparse, nagging piano and tortuous, thundering, atmosphere-creating-and-destroying guitars are based on the unmoving bedrock of solid, and nuanced drum-work, and the impassioned, almost desperate singing serves to elevate this feel even higher. They contrasted nicely with Dr. Eggs, by embodying a completely different kind of frenzy that’s purely in the very nature of the music rather than in its effect and delivery, but being no less in magnitude. If Innisfallen create some sonic atmosphere, Forget the G wield it as their primary weapon. Perhaps the best thing about the band is that while singer Eric has a typically thin, almost whiney voice, he can actually sing – the vast number of long-held high notes they wrote into their songs are all executed with gusto and competently, which is not a typical feature of such bands. I apologise if my description of their music seems vague, but because of the way they write songs, they sort of defy description since the songs are written without so much a focus on every one having its own character, and more on making the transitions to and fro different feels and tones count. I can say this – there is no shortage of big hooks (I Wish in particular had a massive tuneful hook). They even use an e-bow, and are one of the rare bands than can actually justify its use rather than its just being a cool doo-dad. The haunting nature and gruesome beauty of their songs, the sheer calculation in their dynamicism and their obvious ear for interesting feel-changes makes them a band that really must be seen live – possibly the most so of the bands on that night. There could scarcely have been a better way to close out the night, and entering their dimension provided a great closer to a great night of music.
– Shashwati Kala
Live Review from Underground 83:
The audience at Underground 83 was certainly glad that Forget the G made the trip over from Macau after hearing their set. This dynamic band firstly strikes you with the haunting vocals of lead singer Eric. The first halve of the set provided songs perfectly framing the lyrics and unique sound of the band. As intriguing as the first halve was, it was the second halve that truly compelled. Having the confidence to switch to mainly instrumental compositions was a risk but it definitely paid of. The last five minutes was a dramatic conclusion to the set, and truly left the audience wanting more.
Heather Lowe
Live Review from Underground Macau 4:
The band forget the G has most definitely established themselves as one of the most regular and looked forward to names on a Macau Underground list. This band might be one of the ‘must see’ acts of the show, and they most definitely never disappoint, as always they gave the crowd just what they wanted with their rock styles and fusion and mixtures of musical styles and brought out a unique treat for the Underground crowd which kept them entertained and pushed the energy through the roof.
Olinto O
Forget the G brought something different to the table, offering an acoustic set comprised of vocal, guitar and piano talents. For those who went to The Underground looking for something a little more quiet to contemplate and reminisce, these two musicians presented them with that platform. Playing songs that brought on happiness to heartache, Forget the G gave to those who were seeking.
Jake D.
Live Review from Underground 63:
Forget the G had found the right place to have their debut live gig in HK!
This 3-piece band was sounding a lot fuller than I expected, and was supported by the crowd at The Cavern. Not only bringing some nice music here, they’ve also brought in some pretty good-looking friends and fans (perhaps from Macau?) to cheer for them. May I ask what the “G” stands for…? I’m sure it doesn’t stand for “Gals”… unless they have too many of them already that they need to forget some! LOL!
Ok, back to the music! Well, without taking a peek at the band’s bio, its music is easily recognizable as being influenced by the infamous Radiohead!
Alternative Rock? Post Rock? Post Grunge? If those labels are just two-dimensional reflections of their style, Forget the G adds a third dimension to create a depth of its own. Its music is full of emotions. It’s a roaring from the deepest part of the heart.
Some said it’s the Macau version of Audiotraffic… I’m looking forward to see more of Forget the G (but please, don’t forget to bring in the G’s!)… perhaps in Macau some time soon?
They are planning to release an album in early 2009! So stay tune!
Live Review from Macau Underground One:
This band made the most special sound for that night, even though they’re just a 3-pieces rock band, but the vocalist and guitarist, Eric, really helped the band to achieve a unique style which involved a lot of cool riffs, effects, and also the rather experimental arrangement of songs.
Moving up the scale of hardness as the night advanced, grunge-rock crew made their Macau Underground debut. Switching fluidly between alternative and experimental sounds while engaging with the audience, Forget The G won over the crowd and kept the energy level rising during their set before shifting gears and slowing down at the end. They left the audience was screaming for more and live music fans who are tuned-in to what’s up and coming will defiantly be on the look-out for this crew’s next gig.
Jeremy Phillips