Well this was indeed a fun night for everyone! Prins Nitram DID wear his suit, Logo did a cover of “Taxi to Wanchai” and Sushi Robot were just so out there. Thomas Baz was a pleasant blissful moment in the midst of all that action! Thanks to the bands, the audience and to the lucky lady who won the TWO tickets to see Slash on 29 July 2010! Lets hope Prins Nitram inspires those ‘one man bands’ to stretch their boundaries 🙂
love Chris B xx
這晚大家也很盡興!一來因為Prins Nitram 真有穿起那件金色外衣表演,其次是Logo 翻唱了”Taxi to Wanchai”,還有Sushi Robot 狂野獨特的演出!Thomas Baz 也帶了美滿的感覺給我們,讓整晚節目的過渡十分流暢!
謝謝演出的樂隊和觀眾,還有贏得兩張Slash 門票的女士! 希望Prins 能啟發更多一人組合,令他們突破界限,作更轟烈的演出! Love, Chris B xx
1. Sushi Robot (9.30 p.m.)
I am half drunk as I walk in Rockschool. Things just happen to start on time, so I make myself comfortable on a couch, listening to Griff and Claudio starting with a 4/4 groove, which penetrates from the stage to the loo, where I have been in for a while. They perform with interesting videotage – visuals flipping about and definitely catching my attention. I walked closer to see Griff’s setup. What’s on is Ableton on Macbook Pro with a compatible controller, and my favourite Edirol EA-101 acting as a monitor and master output for the sounds he makes. Simple yet all-round setup which all electronica apprentices should consider acquiring. I love the way Claudio counts in, with something like a trademark hand gesture of all electronica/DJ people like ST, my good friend. A non-stop set, to me, is mesmerising. I imagine myself soaking in such a comfortable vibe in a chilling lounge. I suppose the girls in the venue feel the same too, since I saw some of them start to close their eyes and twist with their hands waving about.
走進Rockschool 時是半醉的,表演也剛剛開始。Griff 和Claudio 準備好了,於是我便找張沙發坐下,聽著平穩的4/4節拍寫評語。強有力的節拍,隨著我的步伐滲透進門後的…… 洗手間。一連串的映像和他們的音樂同步放映著,吸引著我的注意力(當然螢幕上他們的標誌也很注目)這時我走近看看Griff 的器材,那是Macbook Pro 加Ableton Live 和原廠控制器,還有我至愛的Edirol 介面─ Griff 用它來駁上耳機和作輸出呢。這個簡單而專業的裝備,是電音初心者應該考慮配置的。Claudio 打拍子的手勢很搶眼,彷彿是所有玩這類型音樂的人也會這樣做(我記得的包括我朋友ST)一氣呵成的表演令人很著迷;我想像自己身處酒廊中,享受著那份與友人摸摸酒杯底聊天的閒適。舞池中的女孩該和我想法一致吧 ─ 看見的是她們已開始輕輕閉上眼,正手舞足蹈中。
— Erik Piece
2. Logo (10.15 p.m.)
It is wet, soaking wet, in terms of the reverberation of all instruments through the whole venue, even the drumsticks hitting one another can be heard with much reverb. The riff of “Love Hotel”, my personal favourite, reminds me of the 70’s UK detective/spy dramas like “The Zoo Gang” (The Wings). There is also a sense of vintage bassline like the retro-rock bands like The Coral. Maybe it is because of the fact that James need to sing, the drumming is stable yet never boring, since a drumming singer is already something interesting to see. There are few of them, to the best of my knowledge, including Don, Phil, Ringo and Roger. The pink blazer of Chris adds up the charm to the band. The riffs and tone of the guitar with the spring reverberation undoubtedly draw me to the dancing floor with the Shadows. So there I go, stop writing and have a good time with Logo.
濕透了。我指的是所有樂器的殘響重得像浸在聲音之中,連James敲鼓棒也有很大回音!Logo 玩了在CD Compilation 3內的兩首歌,其中Love Hotel是我個人很喜歡的,那段結他樂句不禁令我想起七十年代英國那些特工電視劇的主題曲,如”The Zoo Gang” (主題曲就是由前披頭Paul McCartney 領軍的The Wings演奏的)低音結他的旋律有時像如The Coral 那些retro-rock樂隊般穩如磬石,有時跟著結他的旋律游走。James 的鼓沒有很多花巧的修飾,大抵因為他要一邊打鼓一邊唱歌吧─ 實在說現今唱歌的鼓手寥寥可數吧,像Don, Phil, Ringo 和Roger (我忘了Marvin嗎?)所以覺得看著鼓手唱歌很是有趣。Chris的粉紅西裝外衣令Logo 更添魅力,當然少不了Yanyan Pang,我們熟悉的貝斯手吧。結他的旋律、音色和像The Shadows 的殘響效果引領我往舞池去了。那我就暫且停下工作,好好和Logo 享受一下美好的週末晚上吧。
— Erik Piece
3. Thomas Baz (11.00 p.m.)
Thomas is helping Prins with the stage setup, and also contributes his precious voice with an acoustic guitar. If I have to compare – I really must – Thomas is more organic and earthy. Folk guitarists have a habit of tuning his guitar one key down – drop D – for the style like Irish folk etc. Thomas is of no exception; that is why he further drags me into the songs with nostalgia. I do not make any effort to figure out the lyrics, and just let the songs be. The slow-motion visual of the shuttle takeoff and birds flying by makes me think of those Discovery Channel video clips on Youtube. As a transition to the headline set, Thomas is a good choice; as a folk lover, I definitely will check his tunes on myspace again.
Thomas 除了替Prins 打點台上大小事情外,也難得開金口,拿著把木結他獻唱幾首歌。如果要比較的話,Thomas 的表演帶著一點簡撲,卻充滿生命力。民歌結他手也有個習慣,把結他調成一個Open Chord ─ 多數為Drop D ─ 來遷就好些民謠的風格。Thomas 也不例外;這樣的調子拉我進入了淡淡愁懷之中。雖然英文唱得很清楚,但我沒有特別留意歌詞,反正在表演中,人聲基本上是樂器一種,把它混進樂聲中為一整體去聽也不為過。伴著音樂的錄像是穿梭機升空和鳥兒拍翼的慢動作片段,感覺很像在Youtube 看國家地理頻道的片子似的。總的來說,作為壓軸的過場表演,Thomas 絕對是最佳選擇;對我這些民謠迷來說,讓我回家再去myspace仔細聽聽他的作品吧。
— Erik Piece
Winner of our TWO tickets to see Slash! on 29 July 2010:
4. Prins Nitram (11.45 p.m.)
Here comes The Prins! But where is his golden suit? He puts on a vest, orders his “pianist” to play the intro, and lets the “bassist” join in when the “pianist” goes to the drums. All the characters in the screen are the Prins, including the one strumming his guitar frantically on the stage. Who is the real Prins, Chris B? All of them come to ONE big genius, who can play so many instruments: piano, guitar, bass, drums, sax and even blues harp! One cannot forget to mention his singing – I am wondering why his vocal can be so in sync with the backing track. “I can’t hear my band; please put my back track on!”. At the end of his band set, he “kills” his bandmates! Why? Why? Because he wants a more interesting set! Finally he puts his golden suit and a cap on (My friend now will not ask for a refund) and sings a couple more songs, including the encore song “Bomty Bomty Happy”. It definitely makes everybody happy, and if I let loose myself and have a few more drinks because of the song, I may not even be able to go home. Incredible Prins! Good night!
王子駕到!咦,他的金色外衣在哪?他穿了件黑色背心,命令他的琴手開始前奏;貝斯手隨著鼓手進場,台上的Prins 則彈著結他唱歌。怎麼有那麼多Prins的複製人?Chris, 哪個才是真的?每個也是!王子可真是天才呀,又懂彈琴,還會結他、貝斯、鼓、薩士風和口琴!他更會唱 ─ 我很驚奇,為何他的歌聲跟和音那麼一致的?在台上要聽清楚伴奏音樂不容易呢,王子要不斷請音響師調高音量才成。某首歌完了後,他以手指作槍,殺了他的分身!什麼回事?他說他們沒用,每場表演也只會玩一樣的東西。他就要來點刺激的!終於,他披上了金色外衣和帽子(來看他這身打扮的朋友不用嚷著要退款了),多唱了兩首歌,包括了在myspace 點擊率很高的”Bomty Bomty Happy”。大家真的很happy 呢。要是我再放縱自己,聽著這歌去多喝兩支啤酒的話,回家路上一定辛苦得不能happy 了。王子萬歲!各位晚安!
— Erik Piece
photos © Copyright 2010 by ANGUS LEUNG
poster by ANGUS LEUNG